Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is surgical restorative procedure in which hairs are taken from the donor area (hair bearing area) and transplanted in the recipient area (hair loss area). Before the procedure, a careful evaluation of the donor and recipient area is done at Dermosphere clinic. After evaluation an elaborative treatment plan is made exclusively based on your needs and expectations.

Who is a good candidate for hair transplant?

Men and women in their late 20s till 40s are good candidate for hair transplant. Two additional things that are very important to decide the results of hair transplant are: healthy hair density in the donor site and ability to grow hair on the thinning areas of the scalp. In addition, we also do hair transplant in patients with scarring secondary to some injury or burns.

What are the different types of hair transplant surgeries?

There are two main types of hair transplant surgeries: FUT (Follicular unit transplant) and FUE (Follicular unit extraction).

FUT is also known as strip method of hair transplantation in which a strip of hair bearing scalp from the donor site is taken and hair grafts are separated from it. This technique involves use of stiches and may leave behind a thin scar line.

FUE is a minimally invasive and stich less technique where individual hair follicles are extracted and transplanted in the recipient site. This procedure involves faster recovery, less pain and less complications.

How much time does the surgery takes?

It depends on the severity of your hair loss and number of grafts that are to be transplanted. During the counselling session, the estimated duration of the procedure will be discussed with you. For most patients, it is usually between 4-8 hours.

Will it be done under general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia?

At Dermosphere Clinic, we do the procedure under local anaesthesia. You will remain awake during the entire procedure.

Are there any precautions to be taken before the procedure?

It is advisable not to take alcohol, tobacco, green tea and coffee atleast 7 days before the procedures. If you are on any medications, especially blood thinners, do inform our dermatologist

Can I choose my new front hair line?

The new front hair line will be discussed with you prior to the procedure. All options possible will be presented to you and you may choose the one that pleases you.

Should I shave my head before the procedure?

It is not advisable to shave your head without consulting our team. Our team would like to assess the hair density and direction of your hair growth before the procedure. You will be advised about shaving or trimming of your hairs at appropriate time.

When do I see the results of hair transplant?

It is important to know that after 2 to 12 weeks of surgery, the transplanted hairs will fall out. This is normal. By third to fourth month you will start noticing regrowing of the hairs. Most patients see optimum results after 6-9 months of surgery. For some patients it might even take up to 12 months.

What is a beard transplant?

In beard transplant, hair follicles are taken form the donor area (scalp) and transplanted in the beard or moustache.

How do I get started?

If you are interested in Hair Transplant, reach out to us at Dermosphere clinic to schedule a consultation. Our expert dermatologist will discuss and design the best treatment plan for you!

What are the key benefits of getting Hair Transplant at DERMOSPHERE?

We only use the best technology and instruments

We do not compromise on our standards and provide the highest grade of patient care

Consultation and treatment are personally undertaken by our renowned dermatologists who are experts in advanced hair transplant procedures

Maximum patient comfort during the treatment

Our Dermatologists are well known for their methods of achieving incredibly natural results

We provide excellent post treatment care


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